Thursday, March 18, 2021

 Thursday, March 18

We are nearing the end of our quarantine period. The scheduled date for return to school is Monday, March 22. Keep in mind that during these unpredictable times, plans can change on short notice.

I have been impressed and pleased with the engagement of the class in the online classroom. Our attendance has been good, as has the amount of work being handed in each day.

For our writing, we focused on understanding beginning, middle and end of stories. We spent last week looking at the story 'The Mitten' to understand these story elements. This week, we have moved on to creating a class story,. We began with students submitting their ideas for a setting, then characters, and main events. Today, their task is to create the ending - solve the problem. In what seems out of order, tomorrow, we will create the beginning and the title. As I have explained to the students, you can only write an effective, engaging beginning if you know what is to come. The final step will be to give it a title. When we return to class next week, we will create the book with illustrations.

Students have progressed in their Math in the last 2 weeks as well, working on addition and subtraction.

We have done a unit on colour in Science - learning about primary and secondary colors, as well as the concepts of transparent, translucent and opaque. Students have submitted wonderful photos to share their work. Next week, we will be creating an amazing spring bulletin board based on these concepts.

We are all looking forward to being back at school next week before we head off again for Spring Break. Stay well everyone!